Search Engine Optimization

In the 1990s, you knew that to “compete in the global marketplace,” you had to have a web presence. If you didn’t, you were conspicuous by your absence. There was a heady optimism that if you built it, they would come. After a couple of years of hearing crickets chirp, many quickly realized that just being online was not enough. You need people to actually visit your website. You need traffic. Meaning, they have to know how to find you.

That’s where search engine optimization comes in. There are certain tips and tricks your web developer needs to know for your website to have greater visibility on the world’s top search engines. Showing up on page 53 of Google won’t cut it. Ignore these tricks of the trade and your website will grow cobwebs; do them right, and you’ll reach the promised land.

How quickly can people find your website? Try this: go to Google and type in your business name and the city where you’re located. If you don’t pop up on the first page, you’ve got a problem. If you don’t pop up at all, you have a very serious problem.

Let us build you a website that’s not only attractive but attracts paying customers. I’ll even consult with you on the best-paid search engine practices, too. Contact us today to find out how we can bring customers to your door.